I’m a contemporary fiction writer and this is what Laura wrote (or, to be more exhaustive and grammatically correct, what I’ve written, what I’m working on now, and what I hope to write).
In the process of relocating back to Denmark, I’ve previously called England, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, and Canada home. I was born and raised in Vancouver and still crave the smell of the ocean and the grey blanket of November.
My professional life is likewise replete with repositionings: tuxedo consultant, ESL tutor, librarian, content manager, department head at a government agency, grant writer, voting official, yoga teacher, Apple salesperson & techie, copywriter… I’m sure I’ve missed something in there!
Having left a job where I wrote under NDA for a tiny audience (aka three-to-five grant application assessors), I’m rediscovering my creativity and re-exploring writing for fun.